142 stories

★ Something Is Rotten in the State of Cupertino


In the two decades I’ve been in this racket, I’ve never been angrier at myself for missing a story than I am about Apple’s announcement on Friday that the “more personalized Siri” features of Apple Intelligence, scheduled to appear between now and WWDC, would be delayed until “the coming year”.

I should have my head examined.

This announcement dropped as a surprise, and certainly took me by surprise to some extent, but it was all there from the start. I should have been pointing out red flags starting back at WWDC last year, and I am embarrassed and sorry that I didn’t see what should have been very clear to me from the start.

How I missed this is twofold. First, I’d been lulled into complacency by Apple’s track record of consistently shipping pre-announced products and features. Their record in that regard wasn’t perfect, but the exceptions tended to be around the edges. (Nobody was particularly clamoring for Apple to make a multi-device inductive charging mat, so it never generated too much controversy when AirPower turned out to be a complete bust.) Second, I was foolishly distracted by the “Apple Intelligence” brand umbrella. It’s a fine idea for Apple to brand its AI features under an umbrella term like that, similar to how a bunch of disparate features that allow different Apple devices to interoperate are under the “Continuity” umbrella. But there’s no such thing, technically speaking, as “Continuity”. It’s not like there’s an Xcode project inside Apple named Continuity.xcodeproj, and all the code that supports everything from AirDrop to Sidecar to iPhone Mirroring to clipboard sharing is all implemented in the same framework of code. It’s a marketing term, but a useful one — it helps Apple explain the features, and helps users understand them.

The same goes for “Apple Intelligence”. It doesn’t exist as a single thing or project. It’s a marketing term for a collection of features, apps, and services. Putting it all under a single obvious, easily remembered — and easily promoted — name makes it easier for users to understand that Apple is launching a new initiative. It also makes it easier for Apple to just say “These are the devices that qualify for all of these features, and other devices — older ones, less expensive ones — get none of them.

Let’s say Apple were to quietly abandon the dumb Image Playground app next year. It just disappears from iOS 19 and MacOS 16. That would just be Apple eliminating a silly app that almost no one uses or should use. That wouldn’t be a setback or rollback of “Apple Intelligence”. I would actually argue that axing Image Playground would improve Apple Intelligence; its mere existence greatly lowers the expectations for how good the whole thing is.1

What I mean by that is that it was clear to me from the WWDC keynote onward that some of the features and aspects of Apple Intelligence were more ambitious than others. Some were downright trivial; others were proposing to redefine how we will do our jobs and interact with our most-used devices. That was clear. But yet somehow I didn’t focus on it. Apple itself strongly hinted that the various features in Apple Intelligence wouldn’t all ship at the same time. What they didn’t spell out, but anyone could intuit, was that the more trivial features would ship first, and the more ambitious features later. That’s where the red flags should have been obvious to me.

In broad strokes, there are four stages of “doneness” or “realness” to features announced by any company:

  1. Features that the company’s own product representatives will demo, themselves, in front of the media. Smaller, more personal demonstrations are more credible than on-stage demos. But the stakes for demo fail are higher in an auditorium full of observers.

  2. Features that the company will allow members of the media (or other invited outside observers and experts) to try themselves, for a limited time, under the company’s supervision and guidance. Vision Pro demos were like this at WWDC 2023. A bunch of us got to use to pre-release hardware and in-progress software for 30 minutes. It wasn’t like free range “Do whatever you want” — it was a guided tour. But we were the ones actually using the product. Apple allowed hands-on demos for a handful of media (not me) at Macworld Expo back in 2007 with prototype original iPhones — some of the “apps” were just screenshots, but most of the iPhone actually worked.

  3. Features that are released as beta software for developers, enthusiasts, and the media to use on their own devices, without limitation or supervision.

  4. Features that actually ship to regular users, and hardware that regular users can just go out and buy.

As of today — March 2025 — every feature in Apple Intelligence that has actually shipped was at level 1 back at WWDC. After the keynote, dozens of us in the press were invited to a series of small-group briefings where we got to watch Apple reps demo features like Writing Tools, Photos Clean Up, Genmoji, and more. We got to see predictive code completion in Xcode. Pretty much everything that Apple has actually shipped, as of today, we got to see Apple reps use, live, back at WWDC.

For example, there was a demo involving a draft email message on an iPad, and the Apple rep used Writing Tools to make it “more friendly”. I was in a group of just four or five other members of the media, watching this. As usual, we were encouraged to interrupt with questions. Knowing that LLMs are non-deterministic, I asked whether, as the Apple rep was performing this same demo for each successive group of media members, the “more friendly” result was exactly the same each time. He laughed and said no — that while the results are very similar each time, and he hopes they continue to be (hence the laughing), that there were subtle differences sometimes between different runs of the same demo. As I recall, he even used Undo to go back to the original message text, invoked Writing Tools to make it “more friendly” again, and we could see that a few of the word choices were slightly different. That answered both my explicit question and my implicit one: Writing Tools generates non-deterministic results, and, more importantly, what we were watching really was a live demo.

We didn’t get to try any of the Apple Intelligence features ourselves. There was no Apple Intelligence “hands on”. But we did see a bunch of features demoed, live, by Apple folks. In my above hierarchy of realness, they were all at level 1.

But we didn’t see all aspects of Apple Intelligence demoed. None of the “more personalized Siri” features, the ones that Apple, in its own statement announcing their postponement, described as having “more awareness of your personal context, as well as the ability to take action for you within and across your apps”. Those features encompass three main things:

  • “Personal context” — Knowing details and information about you from a “semantic index”, built from the contents of your email, messages, files, contacts, and more. In theory, eventually, all the information on your device that you wish to share with Siri will be in this semantic index. If you can look it up on your device, Siri will be able to look it up on your device.
  • “Onscreen awareness” — Giving Siri awareness of whatever is displayed on your screen. Apple’s own example usage: “If a friend texts you their new address, you can say ‘Add this address to their contact card,’ and Siri will take care of it.”
  • “In-app actions” — Giving Siri the ability, through the App Intents framework, to do things in and across apps that you can do, the old fashioned way (yourself) in and across apps. Again, here’s Apple’s own example usage:

    You can make a request like “Send the email I drafted to April and Lilly” and Siri knows which email you’re referencing and which app it’s in. And Siri can take actions across apps, so after you ask Siri to enhance a photo for you by saying “Make this photo pop,” you can ask Siri to drop it in a specific note in the Notes app — without lifting a finger.

There were no demonstrations of any of that. Those features were all at level 0 on my hierarchy. That level is called vaporware. They were features Apple said existed, which they claimed would be shipping in the next year, and which they portrayed, to great effect, in the signature “Siri, when is my mom’s flight landing?” segment of the WWDC keynote itself, starting around the 1h:22m mark. Apple was either unwilling or unable to demonstrate those features in action back in June, even with Apple product marketing reps performing the demos from a prepared script using prepared devices.

This shouldn’t have just raised a concern in my head. It should have set off blinding red flashing lights and deafening klaxon alarms.

Even the very engineers working on a project never know exactly how long something is going to take to complete. An outsider observing a scripted demo of incomplete software knows far less (than the engineers) just how much more work it needs. But you can make a rough judgment. And that’s where my aforementioned hierarchy of realness comes into play. Even outsiders can judge how close a public beta (stage 3) feels to readiness. A feature or product that Apple will allow the press to play with, hands-on (stage 2) is further along than a feature or product that Apple is only willing to demonstrate themselves (stage 1).

But a feature or product that Apple is unwilling to demonstrate, at all, is unknowable. Is it mostly working, and close to, but not quite, demonstratable? Is it only kinda sorta working — partially functional, but far from being complete? Fully functional but prone to crashing — or in the case of AI, prone to hallucinations and falsehoods? Or is it complete fiction, just an idea at this point?

What Apple showed regarding the upcoming “personalized Siri” at WWDC was not a demo. It was a concept video. Concept videos are bullshit, and a sign of a company in disarray, if not crisis. The Apple that commissioned the futuristic “Knowledge Navigator” concept video in 1987 was the Apple that was on a course to near-bankruptcy a decade later. Modern Apple — the post-NeXT-reunification Apple of the last quarter century — does not publish concept videos. They only demonstrate actual working products and features.

Until WWDC last year, that is.

My deeply misguided mental framework for “Apple Intelligence” last year at WWDC was, something like this: Some of these features are further along than others, and Apple is showing us those features in action first, and they will surely be the features that ship first over the course of the next year. The other features must be coming to demonstratable status soon. But the mental framework I should have used was more like this: Some of these features are merely table stakes for generative AI in 2024, but others are ambitious, groundbreaking, and, given their access to personal data, potentially dangerous. Apple is only showing us the table-stakes features, and isn’t demonstrating any of the ambitious, groundbreaking, risky features.

It gets worse. Come September, Apple held its annual big event at Apple Park to unveil the iPhone 16 lineup. Apple Intelligence features were highlighted in the announcement. Members of the media from around the world were gathered. That was a new opportunity, three months after WWDC, for Apple to demonstrate — or even better, offer hands-on access to the press to try themselves — the new personalized Siri features. They did not. No demos, at all. But they did promote them, once again, in the event keynote.2

But yet while Apple still wouldn’t demonstrate these features in person, they did commission and broadcast a TV commercial showing these purported features in action, presenting them as a reason to purchase a new iPhone — a commercial they pulled, without comment, from YouTube this week.

Last week’s announcement — “It’s going to take us longer than we thought to deliver on these features and we anticipate rolling them out in the coming year” — was, if you think about it, another opportunity to demonstrate the current state of these features. Rather than simply issue a statement to the media, they could have invited select members of the press to Apple Park, or Apple’s offices in New York, or even just remotely over a WebEx conference call, and demonstrate the current state of these features live, on an actual device. That didn’t happen. If these features exist in any sort of working state at all, no one outside Apple has vouched for their existence, let alone for their quality.

Duke Nukem Intelligence

Why did Apple show these personalized Siri features at WWDC last year, and promise their arrival during the first year of Apple Intelligence? Why, for that matter, do they now claim to “anticipate rolling them out in the coming year” if they still currently do not exist in demonstratable form? (If they do exist today in demonstratable form, they should, you know, demonstrate them.)

I’m not trying to be obtuse here. It’s obvious why some executives at Apple might have hoped they could promote features like these at WWDC last year. Generative AI is the biggest thing to happen in the computer industry since previous breakthroughs this century like mobile (starting with the iPhone, followed by Android), social media (Meta), and cloud computing (Microsoft, Google, and Amazon). Nobody knows where it’s going but wherever it’s heading, it’s going to be big, important, and perhaps lucrative. Wall Street certainly noticed. And prior to WWDC last year, Apple wasn’t in the game. They needed to pitch their AI story. And a story that involved nothing but table-stakes AI features isn’t nearly as compelling a story as one that involves innovative, breakthrough, ambitious personal features.

But while there’s an obvious appeal to Apple pitching the most compelling, most ambitious AI story possible, the only thing that was essential was telling a story that was true. If the truth was that Apple only had features ready to ship in the coming year that were table-stakes compared to the rest of the industry, that’s the story they needed to tell. Put as good a spin on it as possible, but them’s the breaks when you’re late to the game.

The fiasco here is not that Apple is late on AI. It’s also not that they had to announce an embarrassing delay on promised features last week. Those are problems, not fiascos, and problems happen. They’re inevitable. Leaders prove their mettle and create their legacies not by how they deal with successes but by how they deal with — how they acknowledge, understand, adapt, and solve — problems. The fiasco is that Apple pitched a story that wasn’t true, one that some people within the company surely understood wasn’t true, and they set a course based on that.

The Apple of the Jobs exile years — the Sculley / Spindler / Amelio Apple of 1987–1997 — promoted all sorts of amazing concepts that were no more real than the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, and promised all sorts of hardware and (especially) software that never saw the light of day. Promoting what you hope to be able to someday ship is way easier and more exciting than promoting what you know is actually ready to ship. However close to financial bankruptcy Apple was when Steve Jobs returned as CEO after the NeXT reunification, the company was already completely bankrupt of credibility. Apple today is the most profitable and financially successful company in the history of the world. Everyone notices such success, and the corresponding accumulation of great wealth. Less noticed, but to my mind the more impressive achievement, is that over the last three decades, the company also accumulated an abundant reserve of credibility. When Apple showed a feature, you could bank on that feature being real. When they said something was set to ship in the coming year, it would ship in the coming year. In the worst case, maybe that “year” would have to be stretched to 13 or 14 months. You can stretch the truth and maintain credibility, but you can’t maintain credibility with bullshit. And the “more personalized Siri” features, it turns out, were bullshit.

Keynote by keynote, product by product, feature by feature, year after year after year, Apple went from a company that you couldn’t believe would even remain solvent, to, by far, the most credible company in tech. Apple remains at no risk of financial bankruptcy (and in fact remains the most profitable company in the world). But their credibility is now damaged. Careers will end before Apple might ever return to the level of “if they say it, you can believe it” credibility the company had earned at the start of June 2024.

Damaged is arguably too passive. It was squandered. This didn’t happen to Apple. Decision makers within the company did it.

Who decided these features should go in the WWDC keynote, with a promise they’d arrive in the coming year, when, at the time, they were in such an unfinished state they could not be demoed to the media even in a controlled environment? Three months later, who decided Apple should double down and advertise these features in a TV commercial, and promote them as a selling point of the iPhone 16 lineup — not just any products, but the very crown jewels of the company and the envy of the entire industry — when those features still remained in such an unfinished or perhaps even downright non-functional state that they still could not be demoed to the press? Not just couldn’t be shipped as beta software. Not just couldn’t be used by members of the press in a hands-on experience, but could not even be shown to work by Apple employees on Apple-controlled devices in an Apple-controlled environment? But yet they advertised them in a commercial for the iPhone 16, when it turns out they won’t ship, in the best case scenario, until months after the iPhone 17 lineup is unveiled?

When that whole campaign of commercials appeared, I — along with many other observers — was distracted by the fact that none of the features in Apple Intelligence had yet shipped. It’s highly unusual, and arguably ill-considered, for Apple to advertise any features that haven’t yet shipped. But one of those commercials was not at all like the others. The other commercials featured Apple Intelligence features that were close to shipping. We know today they were close to shipping because they were either in the iOS 18.1 betas already, in September, or would soon appear in developer betas for iOS 18.2 and 18.3. Right now, today, they’ve all actually shipped and are in the hands of iPhone 16 users. But the “Siri, what’s the name of the guy I had a meeting with a couple of months ago at Cafe Grenel?” commercial was entirely based on a feature Apple still has never even demonstrated.

Who said “Sure, let’s promise this” and then “Sure, let’s advertise it”? And who said “Are you crazy, this isn’t ready, this doesn’t work, we can’t promote this now?” And most important, who made the call which side to listen to? Presumably, that person was Tim Cook.

Even with everything Apple overpromised (if not outright lied about) at the WWDC keynote, the initial takeaway from WWDC from the news media was wrongly focused on their partnership with OpenAI. The conventional wisdom coming out of the keynote was that Apple had just announced something called “Apple Intelligence” but it was powered by ChatGPT, when in fact, the story Apple told was that they — Apple — had built an entire system called Apple Intelligence, entirely powered by Apple’s own AI technology, and that it spanned both on-device execution all the way to a new Private Cloud Compute infrastructure they not only owned but are powering with their own custom-designed server hardware based on Apple Silicon chips. And that on top of all that, as a proverbial cherry on top, Apple also was adding an optional integration layer with ChatGPT.

So, yes, given that the news media gave credit for Apple’s own actual announced achievements to OpenAI, Apple surely would have been given even less credit had they not announced the “more personalized Siri” features. It’s easy to imagine someone in the executive ranks arguing “We need to show something that only Apple can do.” But it turns out they announced something Apple couldn’t do. And now they look so out of their depth, so in over their heads, that not only are they years behind the state-of-the-art in AI, but they don’t even know what they can ship or when. Their headline features from nine months ago not only haven’t shipped but still haven’t even been demonstrated, which I, for one, now presume means they can’t be demonstrated because they don’t work.

‘So Why the Fuck Doesn’t It Do That?’

In May 2011, Fortune published an extraordinary look inside Apple by Adam Lashinsky, at what we now know to be the peak, and (alas) end, of the Steve Jobs era. The piece opens thus:

Apple doesn’t often fail, and when it does, it isn’t a pretty sight at 1 Infinite Loop. In the summer of 2008, when Apple launched the first version of its iPhone that worked on third-generation mobile networks, it also debuted MobileMe, an e-mail system that was supposed to provide the seamless synchronization features that corporate users love about their BlackBerry smartphones. MobileMe was a dud. Users complained about lost e-mails, and syncing was spotty at best. Though reviewers gushed over the new iPhone, they panned the MobileMe service.

Steve Jobs doesn’t tolerate duds. Shortly after the launch event, he summoned the MobileMe team, gathering them in the Town Hall auditorium in Building 4 of Apple’s campus, the venue the company uses for intimate product unveilings for journalists. According to a participant in the meeting, Jobs walked in, clad in his trademark black mock turtleneck and blue jeans, clasped his hands together, and asked a simple question:

“Can anyone tell me what MobileMe is supposed to do?” Having received a satisfactory answer, he continued, “So why the fuck doesn’t it do that?”

For the next half-hour Jobs berated the group. “You’ve tarnished Apple’s reputation,” he told them. “You should hate each other for having let each other down.” The public humiliation particularly infuriated Jobs. Walt Mossberg, the influential Wall Street Journal gadget columnist, had panned MobileMe. “Mossberg, our friend, is no longer writing good things about us,” Jobs said. On the spot, Jobs named a new executive to run the group.

Tim Cook should have already held a meeting like that to address and rectify this Siri and Apple Intelligence debacle. If such a meeting hasn’t yet occurred or doesn’t happen soon, then, I fear, that’s all she wrote. The ride is over. When mediocrity, excuses, and bullshit take root, they take over. A culture of excellence, accountability, and integrity cannot abide the acceptance of any of those things, and will quickly collapse upon itself with the acceptance of all three.

  1. Image Playground would make a ton of sense not as a consumer-facing app, but as an example project for developers. Long ago, Apple used to share the source code for TextEdit as an example project for Mac developers. (TextEdit is actually a low-key great application, though. It’s genuinely useful, reliable, and understandable.) Apple shares tons of sample code at WWDC each year. Image Playground would be a great sample project. The silly app icon even looks like something from a WWDC sample project. What Image Playground is not is a credible useful generative AI tool. Yet Apple keeps talking about it — and showing it off in new hardware demonstrations — like it’s something they should be proud of and that anyone might credibly use for real-world work or even personal purposes. Image Playground does exemplify just how state-of-the-art the generative AI features are in Apple Intelligence, but not in the way Apple seems to think. ↩︎

  2. Skip to the 53-minute mark of Apple’s September “It’s Glowtime” event introducing the iPhones 16, and it’s Craig Federighi who says the following:

    “Siri will be able to tap into your personal context to help you in ways that are unique to you. Like pulling up the recommendation for the TV show that your brother sent you last month. And Siri will gain onscreen awareness. So when your friend texts you about a new album, you’ll be able to simply say, ‘Play that.’ And then you’ll be able to take hundreds of new actions in your apps, like updating a friend’s contact card with his new address, or adding a set of photos to a specific album. With Siri’s personal context understanding and action capabilities, you’ll be able to simply say, ‘Send Erica the photos from Saturday’s barbecue’, and Siri will dig up the photos and send them right off.”

    That’s about 40 seconds of keynote time I bet Federighi regrets — and that I suspect he was skeptical about including. It’s telling though, that unlike WWDC, Apple didn’t show those features or spend even a full minute talking about at the iPhone 16 event — despite the fact that, ostensibly, those features should have been three months closer to shipping than they were in June. Federighi’s title is SVP of software, and Apple Intelligence and Siri are “software”, but John Giananndrea (SVP of machine learning and AI strategy) is Federighi’s peer, not subordinate, on the org chart — both report directly to Tim Cook — and is responsible for Siri and Apple Intelligence. Why it was Federighi, not Giananndrea, pitching those features in the iPhone 16 event keynote almost certainly comes down to Federighi’s presentation skills and stage presence, not responsibility for the features themselves. But who’s going on camera to pitch these features and promise their future availability the next time? ↩︎︎

Read the whole story
19 hours ago
Gruber woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
11 hours ago
Steve Jobs :“You should hate each other for having let each other down.”
11 hours ago
Gruber: "I’ve never been angrier at myself"
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2 public comments
10 hours ago
He should have used Writing Tools to edit this way down.
11 hours ago
New York, NY

Key Codes 2.2.2

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Many Tricks:

Key Codes displays information about the characters you type, as you type them into the log window. For each key, you’ll see its Unicode value, key code, and any modifiers.

Unless you’re a developer or script/macro tinkerer, you probably don’t need Key Codes. But when you do need it, it’s a godsend. There’s nothing else like it (anymore). Just a perfect little utility that the clever folks at Many Tricks have made available free of charge for a long time. (Available in the Mac App Store, too.)

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24 days ago
"There's nothing else like it"... Huh, sounds exactly like Karabiner-EventViewer that comes with Karabiner-Elements (which is a free tool for remapping keyboard events).
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Allison Johnson Reviews the Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25 Plus: ‘Incredibly Iterative’

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Allison Johnson, writing at The Verge:

Samsung’s Galaxy S-series is in its software era. Maybe the whole smartphone industry is, too, save for a few phones with hinges (Samsung’s included). But overall, we have exited the hardware-driven innovation cycle and are firmly in the midst of a software-based one. If you want proof, the Galaxy S25 and S25 Plus are a good place to start. [...]

This was all true of the S24 and S24 Plus and the S23 and S23 Plus. I couldn’t give you a good reason why the S25 stands out compared to Samsung’s last three generations of S-series phones. I don’t think Samsung can, either, because its entire sales pitch for the S25 revolves around software and AI capabilities — much of which will almost certainly be ported to previous S-series phones in short order.

When an innovative device form factor settles into maturity, the shift from groundbreaking new hardware dropping every few years to iterative evolution stands out. The heady, go-go years of iPhone-derived touchscreen smartphones (including iPhones themselves) weren’t that long ago. Iterative evolution is, let’s face it, more boring. Or at least it’s not exciting. But it’s inevitable.

The laptops that established the form factor were the PowerBook 100 series, which Apple shipped at the end of 1991. (Before the PowerBooks, laptops generally lacked built-in pointing devices, and were more like briefcases. Apple’s own 1989 Macintosh Portable was more like a suitcase.) Steve Jobs pulled the original MacBook Air out of its manila envelope in January 2008. Everything since then, for laptops, has been iterative.

The stretch from PowerBook 100 series to MacBook Air was about 15 years, give or take. The “smartphones are boring now” complaints really started to hit a few years ago — about 15 years after the 2007 original iPhone. Somewhere in the second decade is when year-over-year changes start to become more and more iterative. But compound interest generates tremendous wealth over time. People wrongly think Apple’s success is forged mostly by spectacular groundbreaking products, but the true key to their success is nonstop iterative improvement. That, as I wrote in 2010, is how Apple actually rolls. You wouldn’t want to use a 2010 MacBook Pro today. There will be small generational leaps and innovations to come (including, perhaps, an “iPhone Air” this year — and future leaps like 2020’s debut of Apple Silicon), but the wheels of technological progress are mostly done wowing us with one-, two-, and maybe even three-year improvements to phones. But trading in a phone older than that should continue to pack a significant amount of wow. So it goes.


Maybe this says more about what passes for a “small” phone in 2025, but the Galaxy S25 is secretly the best small Android phone you can buy in the US. That’s probably not intentional — more like a victory in a war of attrition. Google’s phones since the Pixel 5 only come in big and bigger, and niche small phone options like the Asus Zenfone have dropped out of the race. By merely continuing to exist with a 6.2-inch screen, the smaller S-series model has become the default option if you don’t want a huge Android phone.

Google’s Pixel 9 and 9 Pro have 6.3-inch displays, not too much bigger than the S25, but the trend is clear. All phones are getting bigger. Everyone knows the 5.4-inch iPhone 12 and 13 Minis weren’t hits, sales-wise, but the people who preferred them absolutely loved them. I’ll bet some of you are reading this, nodding your heads, with your aging 12/13 Minis still in your pockets, dreading the day you upgrade — knowing that the longer you wait, the ever-larger the “smallest” new iPhone will be. Maybe this year’s much-rumored thin-is-in “iPhone Air” will take some of the sting out of that.

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28 days ago
I bought refurbed 12 and 13 minis for my kids until they became unobtanium. My wife was a mini holdout until the cameras in the Pro phones seduced her.
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Google Maps Will Rename Gulf of Mexico to ‘Gulf of America’, for American Users Only

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Google, in an announcement on X:

We’ve received a few questions about naming within Google Maps. We have a longstanding practice of applying name changes when they have been updated in official government sources.

For geographic features in the U.S., this is when Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) is updated. When that happens, we will update Google Maps in the U.S. quickly to show Mount McKinley and Gulf of America.

Also longstanding practice: When official names vary between countries, Maps users see their official local name. Everyone in the rest of the world sees both names. That applies here too.

Jennifer Elias, reporting for CNBC:

Google’s maps division on Monday reclassified the U.S. as a “sensitive country,” a designation it reserves for states with strict governments and border disputes, CNBC has learned. [...]

Some team members within the maps division were ordered to urgently make changes to the location name and recategorize the U.S. from “non-sensitive” to “sensitive,” according to the internal correspondence. The changes were given a rare “P0” order, meaning it had the highest priority level and employees were immediately notified and instructed to drop what they were doing to work on it.

Google’s order states that the Gulf of America title change should be treated similar to the Persian Gulf, which in Arab countries is displayed on Google Maps as Arabian Gulf.

No word from Apple on how Apple Maps will handle this. (I’ve asked for comment; will update if I get an answer.) Re-renaming Denali back to Mount McKinley seems like a no-brainer for the maps to comply with. A country names its own mountains. If Obama could rename it, Trump can re-rename it.

The Gulf of Mexico, though, is an international body of water, and its name wasn’t even debated until Trump started talking about it a few weeks ago. Google (and perhaps Apple) having a policy where they simply follow the naming conventions of the GNIS seems not merely sensible but utterly uncontroversial ... until now.

There are three countries in the world that don’t use the metric system as their official units of measure: the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar. I expect there will be fewer — namely, one — who go along with calling it the “Gulf of America”.

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41 days ago
If I were Apple (or Google) I would say "We're working on it", and just never quite get around to it.
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★ One Bit of Anecdata That the Web Is Languishing Vis-à-Vis Native Mobile Apps

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Just after New Year’s some sort of underground cable screw-up resulted in our home, along with an irregular swath of our neighborhood, losing electricity for 26 hours. We don’t lose power often, and when we do, the outages are usually brief, but 26 hours felt pretty long — especially with the outside temperature below freezing and daylight hours near their calendric nadir. The icing on this particular outage’s frustration cake was that our power company, PECO1, seemingly had no idea what exactly was wrong or how long it might take to fix.

The power went out around 10:30 am on January 2, and soon thereafter PECO was estimating that power would be restored by 2 pm. Then it was 4 pm, then it was briefly 2 pm again (despite the actual time then being after 2 pm — which is when I got the sinking feeling I should get the flashlights out), then they were claiming there were no known outages in our area, until eventually they just stopped providing any estimates at all of when our power might return. I’d have given PECO some credit for honesty if they’d simply replaced the estimated time for power restoration with the shrug emoji.

I was following along with these updates and checking the outage map from my iPhone, on PECO’s website. Which website I wasn’t at all familiar with, because our power really doesn’t go out very often, and my wife takes care of the bill. PECO’s is one of the worst websites I’ve ever had the misfortune to need to use. Among its faults:

  • It is incredibly slow to load. (This slowness couldn’t be explained by overwhelming demand — the power outage was not widespread.)
  • Pages often finished loading incompletely. Just some page header chrome at the top and nothing but white underneath. In fact I just tried right now, today, and got this.
  • Navigation is confusing, and even once I figured it out, it took multiple taps and page loads to get to the pages I wanted to return to. And those page loads were all slow to load.
  • Worst of all, most tasks you might want to do, including just checking on the status of an outage, seemingly require you to be signed in as a customer, but the website signs you out automatically after a few minutes. So each time I returned, I had to start by signing in again. Which, you’ll be surprised to hear, was slow and sometimes wouldn’t take on the first try, despite my credentials being auto-filled.

Basically, PECO’s mobile website feels like it was developed using and exported from Microsoft Excel. You might say, “Well that makes no sense, because you’ve never been able to build or export websites using Excel.” To which I’d respond, “Yes, exactly.

So, every time I wanted to see if there was an updated estimate on our power being restored, it took at least a minute or two of waiting for pages to load, signing back in (which was always slow), and poking around their inscrutable site navigation. The website did prompt me, occasionally, to install their mobile app, but I was like “Fuck that, it’s probably just their website in a wrapper.”

It was a cold and dark night, but our power was restored the next day just after noon,2 and it stayed restored, so I metaphorically dusted my hands and thought to myself, “I hope I never need to use that fucking website ever again.”

Last night, our power went out again. This time, thankfully, it was only out for about 80 minutes. When the outage hit, before even once trying PECO’s cursed website, I went to the App Store and installed their iPhone app. It was a revelation. PECO’s iOS app is everything their website is not: fast, well-organized, and, blessedly, keeps you signed in.3

I’d go so far as to describe PECO’s website, at least as experienced from a phone, as utterly incompetent. I’d describe their native iOS app as — I can’t believe I’m going to use this word — good. It’s hard to believe the website and app are from the same company.

This makes no sense to me. A utility company is the sort of thing where I’d expect most people would use them via the web, even from their phones. Who’d think to install an app from their electric company on their phone? But it’s a night and day difference. I feel like a chump for having suffered through the previous 26-hour outage obsessively checking their terrible, slow-loading (I just can’t emphasize how fucking slow it is), broken website when this app was available.

There’s absolutely no reason the mobile web experience shouldn’t be fast, reliable, well-designed, and keep you logged in. If one of the two should suck, it should be the app that sucks and the website that works well. You shouldn’t be expected to carry around a bundle of software from your utility company in your pocket. But it’s the other way around. I suspect that my instinctive belief that a service company or utility should focus its customer service efforts on the web first, and native apps second, is every bit as outdated as my stubborn belief that invite ought not be used as a noun. (Invitation is sitting right there.)

I won’t hold up this one experience as a sign that the web is dying, but it sure seems to be languishing, especially for mobile devices.4 And the notion that mobile web apps are closing the gap with native apps is laughable. The gulf between them is widening, not narrowing.

  1. They were The Philadelphia Electric Company for over a century before changing their official name in 1994. They should have kept the old name rather than rebrand, despite the fact that no one in Philly had ever called them anything but “PECO” for decades. Nobody here ever called Veterans Stadium anything other than “The Vet”, but it would’ve been stupid as hell to officially rename the late great concrete masterpiece of early 1970s brutalism to its nickname. ↩︎︎

  2. In what I’d hold up as yet another proof of Murphy’s Law, the power came back on while I was mostly done with a shower that wasn’t cold, per se, but certainly wasn’t warm, let alone properly hot. ↩︎︎

  3. While writing this column, I installed PECO’s Android app on my Pixel 4 and gave it a whirl. It shares a visual design with the iOS app — I strongly suspect they’re made from a shared code base and one of the various cross-platform frameworks. But where the iPhone app is fast (or at least fast enough), the Android app is slow. But I can’t say how much of that is from the app and how much because my Pixel 4 is five years old. But I also tried the iOS app on my old iPhone 12 (four years old), and it felt snappy there too. ↩︎︎

  4. It’s kind of weird that there are now zillions of supposedly technically sophisticated people who, when they use the term “desktop app”, are referring to websites. I’ve personally mostly thought about this usage as a sign of the decline of native Mac apps. But it’s also a sign of the decline of building websites meant to be used on mobile phones. I think maybe what we’re seeing is not that the web, overall, is dying, but the mobile web is. ↩︎︎

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58 days ago
Well, PG&E's website sucks and they don't have a mobile app, so there's that.
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Google Fi Still Doesn’t Fully Support RCS Either

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A few weeks ago, in a post primarily complaining about Google’s disingenuous claims about their Messages app’s support for encryption (they suggest, heavily, that it encrypts every message or most messages, but in fact only supports encryption for RCS message sent between users of Google Messages on Android devices), I also complained about the fact that Google’s own Google Voice doesn’t support RCS at all.

Turns out Google Fi doesn’t support RCS fully either. Google Fi is Google’s cellular phone service. I actually use it to provide service to my Android burner phone. The prices are excellent and the service is fine for my minimal needs for a phone I barely use. But Google Fi offers something called “call and voicemail sync” that lets Fi users make and answer voice calls through the web. If you enable this, you lose RCS. See Reddit threads here and here with Fi fans complaining about it.

It’s just wild to me that Google would spend years waging a campaign urging Apple to support RCS, yet Google itself doesn’t support RCS in its own products.

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86 days ago
And Fi doesn't support RCS at all on the iPhone, although this is apparently at least as much Apple's fault as Google's. (Apple doesn't have a Fi-specific profile on iOS, so Fi is stuck with the generic T-Mo profile, which doesn't have RCS enabled.) I recently switched my family from Fi to US Mobile for a few reasons, one of which was RCS support.
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